10 SEO Myths Debunked

10 SEO Myths Debunked

  We’ve heard just about every SEO old wives tale out there. It’s strange how some even emerged in the first place, let alone why they’re still around many years after they’ve been debunked by pretty much every serious SEO expert out...
Optimizing for Natural Language Processing Tips

Optimizing for Natural Language Processing Tips

Posted by Evan_Hall If you handed someone a blank sheet of paper and the only thing written on it was the page’s title, would they understand what the title meant? Would they have a clear idea of what the actual document might be about? If so, then...
How To Do Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

How To Do Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Knowing how to start a blog or create a website isn’t just about writing volumes. It’s about writing human and SEO-friendly content. And that defines content marketing as a strategic approach to digital marketing. In view of this, there are other things, which YOU...